Friday, September 09, 2005

when morning comes twice a day or not at all

Hello everyone...sorry about the delay in posting, I am still pathetically adjusting to the few responsibilites required by school. It's always harder than I remember to shift gears into class schedules, assignments, blah blah blah. I am also under the employ of two different jobs, which, because of lucrative summer employment, is something that I in previous years didn't have to deal with. Instead this summer, I was on a mission trip to Zimbabwe, of which I have posted a few more pictures.

Preacher Man

My Baby

The Family

Yep, so that's them pictures...onto the music. I read an interesting article a while ago that studied the correlation between country music play time on the radio, and the white suicide rate in said area. Seems plausible to me, considering the crap that is considered contemporary country music. Seriously though, Ithink it's an interesting concept to explore. (There is a country, alt-country, whatever, song at the end of this post, so if you are worried about the effects of this music on your psychological well-being, just look at the pretty pictures again and head over to some of the links on the left.) For the rest of you, secure in your love of life, the song is one from Uncle Tupelo's 1991 album, Still Feel Gone, and, yes it's moderately depressing. I thought of them again when Pitchfork mentioned Jay Farrar had done an interview about his band's dissolution, giving more understanding as to why the relationships within the band could have produced some sourly tinged music, if not still beautiful.

Uncle Tupelo - Still Be Around


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