Friday, November 18, 2005

happy friday!

Man it got cold these last couple days! Therefore I'm posting some music to set your guitar on fire and kneel in front of to. This is from Funkadelic's second album, Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow, which was interestingly shortened to just Free Your Mind... for the reissue, (which seems silly to me because they didn't change the song named the same as the original album title). Whatever, Funkadelic has never been about the nit picking. I guess unless you consider that George Clinton doesn't really do anything except do really tripped out, low voice things on some of the songs and tell everyone else what to do, apparently he's quite a control freak. Funkadelic made one album without him in the late 70's though and it was terrible so I suppose his autonomy has its benefits. In other news, I saw this awful band perform last night at a battle of the bands, apparently they thought the 7 freshman girls drunkenly swaying in front of them consituted them Bonnaroo funk fusion gods. They immediately reminded me of that band in Ghost World who plays "the blues" in such a way that causes Steve Buscemi to look like humanity has failed him for the last time. If only the Mothership could have landed and reminded everyone what being knee deep in funk is really about.

Funkadelic - Friday Night, August 14th


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