Monday, March 21, 2005

glad you made it home

Okay, time for some audio-visual action today. The song for today is from a movie that Friendly Static showed me last week, which is located here. The film is fascinating to watch, and it was almost as interesting to learn how they made it. As good of a job as they did making the video though, the soundtrack is essential and stands completely on it's own as a song. It was actually made for another film by a composer named Greg Hale Jones. Jones's work consists of old 1930's folk recordings mixed with modern instrumentation, a combination that he was very talented in mixing. Unfortunately Jones recently died, so we will never get to hear what more he might have made. "Boll Weevil" is a testament to that potential, as the glistening melody prompts a sense of wistful yearning in between the harmonies of the vocals and banjo and the sauntering percussion.

Greg Hale Jones - Boll Weevil (removed on request)


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