Monday, March 30, 2009

turned into machines

This is the kind of music they invented those visualizers on mp3 playing programs for. From the new Röyksopp album, Junior, this song is pure synth over-stimulation. The main synth line takes me back to messing around with the WASP plugin on FruityLoops in high school and man, that tasty sweet and sour buzz weaving in and out of the drum loop is just so ridiculously catchy. My friend DJing at a party a couple weeks ago recommended playing rap until, "people got drunk enough to realize they actually liked electronic music," but I say don't wait until then - enjoy this now!

Röyksopp - Vision One

Monday, March 23, 2009

the lake was wet

This weather always reminds me of early to mid 90's alternative rock, with dozens of albums and music videos depicting sunny thrift store dreams, vintage cars and picnics with sunglasses. I listened to my Lemonheads tape on repeat while mowing still damp neighbor's grass, the glare and burn of the summer sun hinting, but not yet fully realized amidst the cool breeze of early spring. The power of nostalgia lies in the ability of pop culture to make deep impressions while your still developing ability to critically assess said culture is not yet fully functional. Therefore, I can listen to It's a Shame About Ray anytime of the year and still be transported to these antediluvian days.

The Lemonheads - Rudderless

Sunday, March 01, 2009

it's gonna come to you

Here is some perennially good advice in the form of great Nigerian pop music to bring in the new month. Foolish February is over, so let's celebrate the coming of spring with a burst of syncopated snare hits and melodic keyboard peals. Also, you should check out this cool write up on the band.

Apostles - Don't Huzzle For Love